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Top 5 Reasons to Study Feline Courses

25 / 04 / 2022

Top 5 Reasons to Study Feline Courses 

It’s the age-old debate that puts divide among families, friends and loved ones alike. Some would even go as far as to say the wrong answer would put them off entering a relationship with someone they otherwise really liked. Others believe someone’s preference says a lot about who they are as an individual. 

So, the question is… are you a cat or a dog person? 

Life-altering, we know, but the divide is significant and it’s often one of the first questions you can be asked upon entering a new relationship, job or social situation with people you don’t know. In our opinion, both cats and dogs are wonderful and can be incredible companions for individuals and families alike. 

While the general consensus swings more towards the canine party, fans of felines are holding strong and are passionate about the cats they share their homes and lives with

If you adore cats, you can take this interest further through the study of cats in dedicated educational courses, but what is the benefit of that exactly?  

Find out more below with our top 5 reasons to study feline courses!  

1. Get To Know Them Inside and Out 

Did you know that cats have 24 more bones in their bodies than humans do? Or that they have an extra organ that allows them to taste the smells in the air? 

Top 5 Reasons to Study Feline Courses
There are many fascinating facts about cats that you will learn when you complete cat studying courses. Animal Courses Direct deliver an online Level 3 Diploma in Feline Care, Behaviour and Welfare, which takes you through the incredible intricacies and unusual features of the feline form. 

During your studies, you will cover a unit dedicated to exploring the anatomy and physiology of felines. You will learn about the many complex body processes and functions of the domestic cat, which will bring to light numerous captivating facts about their digestive, circulatory, respiratory, skeletal and sensory systems. 

2. Learn How to Handle Them Safely 

Whether you own a cat or work with felines in some way, there will be many instances where you will have to take them to and from different locations. This could be transporting them to the vets for their regular check-ups or collecting them for a temporary stay if you run a cat boarding service. 

Now, handling and transporting cats isn’t as easy as it typically is with dogs. With a dog you tend to clip them on a lead - an action they are used to - and walk them to the car or location directly. With cats, it’s a whole new ball game, and their nimbleness and wickedly sharp claws can make this a real challenge. 

Through our cat behaviour course, you will learn everything you need to know about feline handling and transportation. You will explore the principles of safe cat handling and feline transportation, including the use of equipment and records. You will also learn about the importance of force-free handling and restraint of cats, as well as some helpful techniques that reduce stress during the handling and restraint of felines. 

3. Understand Their Fascinating History

Cats are certainly quirky creatures, with many unique traits and characteristics that are a large part of their appeal. A lot of why cats are the way they are can be explained by their evolution, and how they have come to live alongside us humans over the years, which you will learn if you enrol on feline behaviour courses.  

Why should you study Feline Courses
For instance, we all know that cats think of themselves rather highly and see themselves as an equal to humans, whereas a dog very much looks up to us as their caregiver. This comical ignorance actually stems from the fact that cats were domesticated more than five thousand years later than dogs were. So, they haven’t evolved long enough as a companion animal to realise our role in the house!  

Another thing that can be explained by studying cats is why their urine smells so strongly – a no so great perk of owning a cat! This pungent aroma is actually due to the fact that cats originated from desert environments and became adept at absorbing all the water they could from it to stay hydrated. 

You can learn about fascinating cat facts like these when you complete our cat study material online. In our cat course syllabus, there’s a whole unit dedicated to exploring how felines have developed from an evolutionary perspective. So, you will come to understand the reasoning behind the natural feline social behaviours, the different cat breeds and traits, and how this impacts their behaviours. 

4. Keep Them Looking and Feeling Their Best 

Whether you live with cats or work with them, it’s your duty of care to keep them healthy and happy, which requires more effort and input than most people think. If you want to be the best caregiver you can possibly be for the cats in your life, you will get all the guidance you need in our cat care courses online.  

Through a number of interesting modules, you will come to recognise the importance of nutrition in felines, what the essential nutrients are and their functions to ensure the health and wellbeing of felines. This also extends to the nutrition that is required at the different life stages of a cat, and you will analyse both the benefits of good nutrition and the impacts of poor nutrition on cats. 

Further to this, our cat online courses teach you how to care for and protect the welfare of felines in catteries. You will learn about health checking, methods of disease prevention and control, effective ways to provide environmental enrichment and mental stimulation for cats, plus the administration of preventative and prescriptive medications. 

During our feline care courses, you will also discover how to groom cats, deliver first aid treatments and maintain the care and welfare of felines at different life stages. 

Online Feline Welfare Courses Animal Courses Direct
5. Get The Skills to Protect and Care for Cats in Your Career

A great reason to study our approved Ofqual feline courses, besides the fact you get to indulge a passion for these beautiful and intriguing animals, is because it will provide you with a recognised qualification that evidences your knowledge and ability to care for cats professionally.  

This, for any cat lover wanting to kick-start a cat-related career, can open the door to a highly enjoyable and rewarding working life. This is because the Level 3 Diploma in Feline Care, Behaviour and Welfare is an Ofqual regulated qualification that meets the Higher Standard Animal Activities Licensing requirements. 

For this reason, our feline qualification is perfect for anyone aspiring to work with cats in a range of capacities, be it within animal welfare charities, the pet care sector, boarding catteries, at a veterinary practice or otherwise. 

Study Feline Courses Online!

If you’re wondering how to start preparing for cat by self-study, how to better care for the cats you already own or you want to move into cat-related jobs, we can help! 

Our online Level 3 Diploma in Feline Care, Behaviour and Welfare is an online course that provides you with the most convenient way of obtaining your qualification. As a self-paced feline behaviour course, you can move through the cat study material as you please and get your recognised qualification as soon as you’re ready.  

Despite learning independently online, you will still have access to support from a qualified and experienced tutor, so you’re not left alone in your cat behaviour studies!  

Find out more now by speaking with our Course Advisors, they can help explain the Feline Care, Behaviour and Welfare Diploma in more detail and answer any questions you may have. Call them now on 01202 006 040, contact us online or click below to view the course in more detail! 

Also, if you adore animals, you can keep track of all upcoming animal awareness days and events with our FREE calendar! Download it here.

Feline Courses Animal Courses Direct


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