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Voluntary Jobs with Animals in Europe

If you’re looking for Animal Volunteer Jobs in Europe, here are some great places where you can offer to help animal organisations and gain hands-on practical experience at the same time! As a volunteer, it helps to have knowledge or relevant training as this will ensure you can offer the best possible care to animals through these organisations.

As our courses can be studied online from anywhere in the world, many volunteers study a course whilst volunteering and can then add a Diploma and practical experience to make their CV stand out to employers.

Animal Volunteer Work Europe

Animal Volunteer Work Europe

Below are some of the animal volunteer work opportunities working with animals that are offered in the Animal Courses Direct eBook.

For hundreds more opportunities in many Animal Welfare Organisations worldwide, please refer to the Volunteering with Animals eBook available to purchase via this website or Amazon.

Our accredited and recognised courses enhance employment prospects and are also suitable for volunteers wanting to gain a relevant animal care qualification.



A small charity that mainly focuses on rescuing and rehabilitating Bulgarian street dogs, fostering many until they can be re-homed, usually abroad and at the same time providing help and support for local shelters and taking much needed aid to municipality pounds. They also run neutering programs around Bulgaria. Volunteers will help take care of foster dogs, help with basic medical care for the dogs as required, help socialise the dogs, accompany us to the vets, help build kennels and more shelters. Accommodation is provided and they can accommodate short or long term stays.


EGIDA in Belarus Public Association for Animal Protection:

“EGIDA” runs a shelter for dogs and a shelter for cats. The animals are kept, treated and sterilized at the association members’ own expense. The state does not render any assistance to animal protectors. Many animals are brought to these shelters from the Municipal Animal Control Organization and Temporary Shelter “Fauna Goroda”, located in Minsk. As a rule, such animals are stressed out and very, very sick. They have to be paid a lot of attention to, till they learn to trust human beings again.


Animal Friends Croatia:

Was founded with the purpose of promoting the protection and animal rights and presenting vegetarianism as an ethical, ecological, and healthy way of living. They require volunteer assistance in a variety of ways.

Dubrovnik Animal Shelter:

High on a mountain top about 3 miles out of town is a sanctuary run by one person, Sandra, and her sister. Hravsta, Dubrovnik Animal Shelter on the hills of Bosanka outside Dubrovnik do a mammoth job of taking care of hundreds of homeless and abandoned animals. They have around 260 dogs in their care as well as many cats. Contact to volunteer your assistance with their many tasks.


Animal Responsibility, Cypress:

(ARC) this organisation aims to be the voice of all animals: captive animals, wild creatures, animals used in farming, experiments etc. Contact to assist as a volunteer.

Nicosia Dog Shelter, Cyprus:

Works hard to help dogs in need and ensure that the dogs in their care live as comfortably as possible at the shelter. They offer a vital rescue service in the Nicosia and Larnaca area believe animal welfare is greatly improved through education and encourage people and schools to visit the shelter. They have a fantastic policy which is never to refuse help for any reason. Contact to assist as a volunteer and assist with walking, feeding and caring.


Galgos in Need Project, Denmark:

Works in Denmark to find homes for Galgos that have been abandoned and abused in Spain. The organisation puts pressure on the Spanish government, in the hope that legislative changes will be made so that the atrocities against the dogs can be stopped. Contact to assist.


Estonian Society for the Protection of Animals:

(ELS) is a non-profit association with a mission to improve animal welfare and prevent animal abuse. This mission is carried out by helping the animals directly, raising public awareness, educating people on the subject, animal protection control and being engaged in legislative drafting. The organisation relies on volunteers, contact to assist.


Animalia – Federation for the Protection of Animals, Finland :

Is Finland’s largest animal protection organisation – working to promote the welfare and the rights of animals. The organisation opposes any treatment of animals that inhibits their natural behaviour or causes them pain and distress. Animalia campaigns and lobbies for better legislation and on solving animal protection problems related to animal experimentation, the conditions of farm animals, and fur farming. Contact to assist.


Brigitte Bardot Foundation, France:

Works directly on the field with animal rescue, veterinary help, stray cat sterilisation campaigns, etc. It also intervenes at the judicial level, with the help of inspectors spread out all over France. Abroad, the Foundation created a sanctuary for bears in Bulgaria and set up a clinic for East European countries. To develop its work, the Brigitte Bardot Foundation has created a network of voluntary delegates and inspectors who extend the Foundation’s work. They welcome volunteers to help them in their struggle for animal protection can become a voluntary delegate or inspector for the Brigitte Bardot Foundation. Each one of these voluntary jobs requires a very demanding personal involvement – contact if you are able to assist.

Chats du Quercy:

Is a French registered charity based in the Midi-Pyrénées region of France and run entirely by volunteers. Our dedicated Cat Rescue and Adoption Centre is situated in Miramont de Quercy, in the department of the Tarn et Garonne. Our objective is simple, to help cats in need.


Voice of the Cats Alliance, Greece:

Provides food, veterinary care, advice, neutering and does some campaigning work for the stray cats in North East Crete. Volunteers can assist with the many tasks.

ARK is an animal shelter based in Argostoli, Kefalonia ( run by a small number of people who are whole heartily dedicated to improving the lives of the stray and abandoned animals across the island. The ARK Shelter is home to over 300 dogs and 40 cats at any one time. With only two workers running the shelter on a daily basis, the need for volunteers to help with the day to day care of the Animals is vital.


Minisa Society for Animal Protection, Hungary:

Works to assist animals in need in Hungary. They have a variety of animals at their shelter including: dogs, cats, horses, pigs, goats, grey cattle, a buffalo, rackajuh (that is a Hungarian variety of sheep), a donkey, fowls, small animals and birds. Contact to assist the shelter as a volunteer.


Assisi Animal Sanctuary, Ireland:

Founded in 1995 to provide rescue and long term care for abused, neglected and abandoned small domestic animals. At any given time the Sanctuary is home to over 200 animals including dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs. A few cats and dogs are permanent residents, all other animals await new homes, contact to assist with work at the Sanctuary.


Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute (BDRI) Sardinia, Italy:

Dedicated to the conservation of Bottlenose Dolphins and marine environment through education and research. Volunteers are invited to join the ongoing study of behaviour, habitat use and social lives of these amazing dolphins off the north-eastern coast of Sardinia Island. Volunteers are required for a minimum of 6 days and no specific experience is required.

ENPA National Board for Animal Protection, Italy:

Established in 1871, this organisation manages animal rescue organisations, rescues injured animals, promotes school education projects about pet care and has an inspectorate who prosecute those who abuse animals. Contact to assist as a volunteer.


Kosovo Dog Shelter, Kosovo:

The shelter exists to provide a safe, clean and humane refuge for the stray dogs of Kosovo. There are tens of thousands of stray dogs in Kosovo and unfortunately it is just not possible to provide sanctuary to all. The shelter can comfortably house approximately one hundred dogs. Healthy dogs suitable for adoption are vaccinated, treated for internal and external parasites, sterilised, tattooed and made available to home. They remain indefinitely at the shelter until they are successfully re-homed. Healthy dogs not suitable for adoption are treated as above and released to safe areas. The shelter is also a valuable education tool as it serves to show members of the public how dogs should be treated and cared for. Contact to assist as a volunteer.


The Island Sanctuary, Malta:

Has been in operation for over 20 years, catering for the needs of stray and abandoned dogs in Malta. Volunteers are needed to assist with walking, cleaning, feeding, grooming and fundraising at this shelter, please contact to help.

Noahs Ark, Malta this is the only animal sanctuary in the north of the island. Volunteers are urgently required to help this shelter with cleaning, walking, feeding etc – please contact to assist.


AAP, Netherlands:

A European sanctuary for exotic animals, it is based in Almere in the Netherlands The animals that end up with AAP often come from illegal trade, research laboratories, circuses, illegal zoos or directly from private people. The foundation specialises in hosting apes and monkeys. Other small exotic mammals can also find a shelter there, including raccoons, skunks and prairie dogs. The organisation requires voluntary help with hands-on animal assistance.

Foundation for World Animals, Netherlands:

This organisation works to prevent the suffering of animals in developing countries and to treat wounded, ill treated and neglected animals. They are aiming to set up international laws for animal protection and to develop a universal declaration for animal welfare. Contact to assist as a volunteer.


Animal Protection Bergen, Norway:

Established in 1862 and is the oldest, independent animal protection organisation in Norway. Their main objective is to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home animals in distress. The centre accommodates between 30 – 60 cats at any given time. They also run a number of cat feeding stations for wild, stray cats and through our network of foster homes and help animals in need of special attention. Contact to help as a volunteer.


Association for Nature (WOLF) Poland:

Is a non-profit organisation, dedicated to conservation of mammals, particularly carnivores, and their habitats. Their mission is to protect endangered species and preserve their habitats. They are aiming to become a centre of excellence in research and education on carnivores and their habitats, working to achieve best practice in their conservation and management in Poland and abroad. Individuals interested in mammal ecology and conservation are invited to volunteer to assist them in the study of wolves, lynx, medium size carnivores and bats. Volunteers should be able to stay for at least two months, during which time you will carry out fieldwork involving spending days (and sometimes nights) in the mountains. Duties may include: searching for and collecting/recording different evidence of carnivore species e.g. tracks, scats, scent-marking; snow-tracking in the winter season and conducting transects through the forest in the vegetation season; observation of animal dens and searching for new dens, etc.


Animais de Rua, Portugal:

This project does not have a physical space of its own. Instead, their work consists of capturing and neutering stray animals and then returning them to their familiar grounds. Contact to assist as a volunteer with driving, trapping and fostering animals.

Amigos dos Gatos do Algarve (AGA), Portugal:

Our aim is to relieve the suffering of feral and stray cats in the Algarve, and to educate the public in their care and welfare. Volunteers assist in a variety of ways including the trap, neuter and return of animals.



Animal Protection Association from Minis, Arad is a non-profit organization which deals with providing shelter to foster abandoned animals. In our shelter right now are almost 100 rescue animals: dogs and cats and our purpose is to save as many animals as possible, to control their breeding through sterilization and castration, to build more shelters where abandoned animals could have a home where to be cared for and loved till we find them families wishing to adopt an animal…

Help Labus, Romania is a non profit organisation working for the protection of animals, particularly the stray dogs in the town hall pound in Galati. Taking care of almost 800 dogs from the town hall shelters is not an easy task and they rely on voluntary help. Contact to assist with walking, grooming, feeding and transporting animals.

Pro Animals, Romania:

Works to assist all types of animals through rescue, neutering, re-homing and education projects. This organisation welcomes volunteers to assist with dog walking, cleaning, socialising, feeding, grooming, etc – contact to volunteer.


VITA Animal Rights Centre, Russia:

Works at government level to introduce the animal welfare laws in Russia. They campaign against cruelties to animals by lobbying organisations, carrying out peaceful actions and spreading publications through the media. Contact to volunteer.


Cats Protection Sanctuary (Zenka) Serbia:

works to rescue and neuter stray and unwanted cats and kittens and, when and where possible, to re-home them to selected homes. They encourage the neutering of all cats and also disseminate information and educational resources to promote the cat welfare message. ‘Zenka’ Cats sanctuary has a strict non-euthanasia policy, cats and kittens are looked after until loving new homes are found. Contact to assist.

Serbian Animals Voice:

Serbian Animals Voice” (SAV) alliance: is a completely volunteer run organisation which primarily campaigns for the better treatment of all animals within the Balkans states; especially on behalf of stray / roaming street animals. Over the past few years we have expanded our campaign work to cover worldwide animal welfare issues. SAV is a completely non-violent organisation which undertakes all of its campaigning through information networking and the written word.


Animals in Distress (A.I.D):

Is a registered charity in Andalucia dedicated to finding homes for stray, abandoned, abused animals found in Coin and surrounding villages in this part of Malaga. All the Dogs are looked after by private foster homes as well as in our own home in Coin, which helps the animals get used to a family environment. As well as looking after dogs in our own home we also have a cattery for about 20 cats. Please contact to assist as a volunteer.

ARCA Dog Shelter was established in 2001 as a is a non-profit association based in Tortosa (Tarragona). ARCA aims to improve the protection of stray animals and their subsequent adoption.

Primate Sanctuary:

established in 1997 near Madrid in Spain. The sanctuary is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and conservation of primates suffering in captivity and to promoting respect & understanding of primates.

Abandoned Animals, Spain:

gives abandoned and maltreated animals refuge and protection and then rehabilitates and re-homes them. They assist not only dogs and cats but also ferrets, owls, goats, iguanas, pigeons, a piglet and even a young wild boar whose mother was killed during a hunt. They aim to return these to their natural habitat as quickly as possible, and even look for caring homes for non protected species such as goats. This organisation requires volunteers to assist with fostering, transport and more.

El Refugio Del Burrito (The Donkey Sanctuary), Spain:

Is a registered Spanish Association primarily concerned with the welfare of donkeys and mules. For many years they have been involved with rescue cases in Spain and have now established a refuge North of Malaga. They are a subsidiary of The Donkey Sanctuary in Southern England. The organisation is based in Fuente De Piedra, where they provide a safe haven with wonderful facilities for some of the many donkeys and mules that have faced such a hard life. They also investigate cases of neglect and cruelty and lobby for improved legislation for donkeys and mules in Spain and the rest of Europe. Contact to assist as a volunteer with caring for the donkeys.

Pepi’s Dog Refuge:

Pepi's dog refuge was founded by Alan and Jane Brian in 2005. Since opening in 2005, the refuge has provided shelter for more than 400 dogs and re-homed more than 300. Pepi’s refuge aims to ensure that all dogs, rescued and boarded, have a safe and caring living environment. Contact to assist them with this valuable work.


Baltic Animal Care, Sweden:

Is a non-profit organisation not affiliated with any political or religious organisation. Their aim is to improve animal welfare and we try to contribute to a development of veterinary medicine in east Europe. They support those who work at animal shelters in Latvia, Poland, Romania and Russia. Cats and dogs are their first priority. Contact to assist.


Haykod Animal Sanctuary, Turkey:

Rescues, cares for and re-homes animals. This is a large sanctuary working hard to make a difference for the animals in need in the area. Contact to assist as a volunteer.


Kiev City Society for the Protection of Animals:

Ukraine works to establish a network of shelters for homeless animals and a comprehensive neutering programme. Volunteers are required to assist their work in a variety of ways.




More Information about Volunteering

Through volunteering in Europe you will gain many new skills that will benefit you with applying for vacancies or course placements. It is advisable for anyone wanting to work with animals, from would-be veterinary surgeons to animal care assistants, to first embark on some sort of voluntary work with animals before beginning their career.


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